Thursday, July 3, 2014

Beef of the boards, the short side and the long side

My friend Brad @bradleygnarbucks asked me to help him with a video for his final project in his film class, the premise I think was, two things that come from the same place but are conflicting, or something along those lines.

Skateboarding is skateboarding, but it is obvious that the skateboard scene and the long board scene have alot of differences, but there isnt actually really any beef, this was just the name he came up with for his project. Its unfortunate but some longboarders took offense to this which I still do not understand, I long board every now and then but I like the feeling of being able to ollie and do tricks and not be grounded, some people just like to cruise. Which is also awesome. Just do what you love doing, Im featured in the first video, check out the second one also, for a longboarders take on the differences in the scene...

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